How Far Have You Come?
I hacked at the weeds filling the main path in my garden with a hoe, as my arm muscles complained. Straightening up, I stared in discouragement at how far I still had to go. How long was this going to take? Then the thought came to me, “Don’t look at how far you have...
Summer Through a Child’s Eyes
Maple seeds Summer is here! As a kid, I enjoyed school. In fact, I was one of those nerdy teacher’s pet types that the other kids hate. (Sorry if you were one of those other kids!) But I was as excited as anyone on the last day of school. Summer meant freedom—freedom...
New Book News!
Exciting news! My next book is due out in December with WhiteFire Publishing. It is another middle grade novel, aimed especially at girls ages 8-13. I am very excited because this is an updated version of the first book I ever wrote, many years ago. It has been...